TikTok Ads USA accounts | PREPAY | Advertising launch cabinets | Currency USD | Useragent, Cookies, and Dolphin Token included | Confirmed by email. Email included | Registered USA IP.

$ 1.78


  • TikTok ads, PREPAY. USA
  • Registered with IP USA.
  • Cabinets for launching ads in USA.
  • Currency USD.
  • VAT is not filled.
  • Payment type: Manual Payment (prepayment).
  • To launch ads in Europe.
  • Verified by email rambler.ru. Email included. Login to email only from Russian IP.
  • Token for autoupload Dolphin included.
  • Useragent and Cookies included.

You can access the account through Useragent and Cookies, as well as through the username and password.

Access with an antidetect browser and USA proxy. No other replacements available.

Format of provided accounts:

  • Login:Password_email:Password_account:UserAgent:Cookie:Token(for autoupload dolphin)

The store does not guarantee the addition of your card to the advertising account. Rejection of your cards by the service is not a reason for replacement.

After binding the card or launching ads, accounts are not replaceable.

Link for account login:

From these accounts, you can upload ads to the following countries: Canada, Egypt, Korea, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, USA

  • Accounts for launching advertising in USA.
  • France, currency USD.
  • TikTok ads, PREPAY.
  • Payment type: Manual Payment (prepayment).
  • Verified by email rambler.ru. Email included. Login to email only from Russian IP.
  • Access Token for antidetect browser Dolphin included.
  • Useragent and Cookies are included.

Login to the account with an antidetect browser and IP of USA.

It is better to add the card from the IP of the country to which the advertising bay will be.

Format of accounts:

  • Login:Password_email:Password_account:UserAgent:Cookie:Token(dolphin_browser)

The store does not guarantee that your card will be added to the advertising account. Rejection of your cards by the service is not grounds for replacement.

From these accounts, you can upload ads to the following countries: Canada, Egypt, Korea, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, USA

Before buying, please read our rules and recommendations.

To get started, buy a few accounts for testing to make sure they are suitable for you.